My tweets

  • 07:10 @THE_REAL_SHAQ happy birthday to you, and many happy returns of the day. #
  • 07:24 @MrPandaBehr i still have a computer punch card. try that for rare. #
  • 07:26 @MrPandaBehr the surgeon general’s not in the cabinet. i’ll bet that gupta can make lots more money out of government & his wife’s expecting #
  • 07:30 @jonk i haven’t clubbed for at least 10 years but i have the excuse that i’m ancient. my queer card was chipped into a stone tablet. #
  • 10:05 back from fasting blood tests, tucked into toast and coffee, ready to face the day. #
  • 14:43 @MrPandaBehr : no, i meant that i have a punch card. there was a punch card PC very early on but i worked with xerox mainframes… #
  • 14:49 @MrPandaBehr : very few computer science people nowadays have seen a punch card. we used to use ’em in market research tabulation. #
  • 21:04 @nakedboy : get business cards printed up with your title as “Consultant” and send an invoice when you’ve facilitated. #
  • 21:04 @nakedboy : i’ve had fried plantain. don’t like it very much (I may be allergic?) but they’re like thick potato chips. #
  • 21:06 @MikeonTV : i think rooibos (red bush) tea is very nice. Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency tea. #
  • 21:09 @ErnieAtLYD : i suppose is thinking that will deter you from choosing the rejecter? #
  • 21:10 @boyshapedbox : is “schwab” a verb? what is it? NSFW?? #
  • 21:13 @MrPandaBehr : everyone used to have a box of chads to fix holes in punch cards when they weren’t punched right…ah, nostalgia! #
  • 21:14 @sbrettell : oh, yes. my physics teacher had a deck of them. You could sort on two or more characteristics with two or more knitting needles #
  • 21:18 @boyshapedbox : oic. i schwab, you schwab, he/she/it schwabs. #

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4 Responses to “My tweets”

  1. spwebdesign says:

    i’ve had fried plantain. don’t like it very much (I may be allergic?) but they’re like thick potato chips.

    Clearly, you’ve never had fried plantains done right. Nothing like potato chips!

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    Maybe I got plantain chips confused with fried plantain. Anyway, I get slightly ill when I eat plantain, I don’t know why. I think I must be allergic to something in it. I don’t get that reaction when I eat bananas, and they’re related, I think.

  3. am0 says:

    There are two ways to prepare fried plantain, depending on its ripeness. If ripe, you cut the fruit into quarter inch thick slices, usually on the diagonal, and the resulting product is super-sweet. If green, you cut them into one inch chunks, boil or fry them to soften, mash them flat and fry again until crisp. The ripe ones are called “tejadas” while the green ones are called “patacones“. Patacones are best served with coffee with a spritz of hot sauce on each one. Plantain chips are probably sliced thin, boiled and then dried but I’m not sure. Unlike closely-related bananas, plantain are hard to peel and must be cooked before eating because they have no sugar and the starch needs to be converted.

  4. am0 says:

    I used to have to repair card punch machines. Each of them contains a metal card bristling with small pins which has to be aligned perfectly. The pins push on the ends of wires that, at the other end, push inked ribbon against the top of the card to print the character that corresponds to the character code being punched. Under even moderate use, the pins wore down quickly . . . and unevenly, requiring regular replacement. Threading the multitude of little wires into place without breaking or twisting any was nearly as difficult as aligning the pin plate afterwards.