My tweets

  • 10:44 @nakedboy : there are three sizes of condom: small, medium, and liar #
  • 10:46 @MrPandaBehr : bravo! i like that phrase “different sex marriage”…will start using it right now. thanks. #
  • 12:13 @chrys : oh dear. i shall be leaving for soho at around 12:30 or so. hope you got in and out by then. #
  • 12:29 @chrys : ok, i’ll be setting off shortly. see you in the pub. #
  • 12:29 @nakedboy : too bad beckham isn’t an opportunistic full-frontally naked slut. only kind of slut to be. #
  • 13:05 @chrys here, sitting in window. #
  • 13:09 In O’Neill’s sitting at window enjoying a free pint of guinness and waiting for @chrys to drink and lunch. #
  • 13:10 Also watching cute chinese boiz walking around in sweats. #
  • 16:44 @soveren : oh geez, i would have, but @chrys arrived and my back was then to the window. Come to london and hang out on Gerrard Street. #
  • 16:45 saw @chrys’s iPhone and i want one too. my vodafone contract is up next month. so’s my bt one. so broadband and iPhone together! #
  • 17:40 @soveren : i agree with you. shall we set up a threesome and purchase one? 😉 a country retreat (and iPhones for all!) #
  • 18:51 @chris rinally figured out how to change address of “ok” button is invisible, tab until white patch turns into blue button. #
  • 19:30 @chrys finally remembered what i needed in boots… #

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One Response to “My tweets”

  1. leejean says:

    three sizes of condom: small, medium, and liar
