Archive for February, 2009

My tweets

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009
  • 12:41 @alexgeana : my pleasure. didn’t think that the dinner referred to the grass… #
  • 12:43 afternoon tweeters. finally caught up on everything online, now going for stuff for lunch and some hardware. #
  • 21:01 @jonk : i’m scared too, and i don’t live there any more. if he appears in austrian ads for right-wing political parties i’m outta here… #
  • 00:18 time for bed, tweeters. glad to see that @stephenfry was released from the lift. I was once trapped in a lift with AMWAY and MENSA people… #
  • 00:18 …it was the worst 3/4 hour of my life and the champagne in my hotel room did not compensate nearly enough. #

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Snow in London

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Sunday night and all day Monday it was snowing in London, and most of southeast England. We had about 6 inches all told, with temperatures below freezing most of Sunday night and Monday. According to the Met Office, this was the worst snowstorm in 18 years here in England.

Now, in Marblehead, or New York, or Chicago, such a snowfall would be a piddling hiccup in the life of those who live there. The snowplows would be out, the sanders would be sanding, and everyone would (mostly) get to work. But here in London? No chance!

Here’s our back garden on Monday.

Note the lavender bush on the lower left-hand corner. “What lavender bush?” you ask? It’s there, just under the snow.

In the upper middle of the picture, there is a small space between a large bush and our fence. That’s where we saw the urban fox on Sunday, sheltering under the bush and then climbing over the fence into the alley next to the church.

HWMBO was delighted at the storm–it’s the largest snowfall he’s ever seen. He did feel a bit guilty at staying home from work.

I am of two minds about all this. On the one hand, lots of people get the day off from work–HWMBO certainly did. The schools were closed, public transport pretty much packed up except for the two Underground lines that are just that: entirely underground (Victoria and Waterloo and City lines, if you must know…), the buses not running, and lots of children throwing snowballs. On the other hand, I have a bad cold, I didn’t want to venture out because of the danger of falling down, we were running out of milk, bread, and dinner makings, and I had enough of snow in the United States.

In addition, the public bodies responsible for keeping the roads clear were and are not prepared for such a heavy snowfall. Plows (or ploughs)? Where would we put the snow? (Just pile it beside the road and dig out the crossings, that’s where!) Gritters (=US sanders)? We may run out of grit if this keeps up. My landlord (a housing association) has not, up until Tuesday noon, bothered to grit or plow the parking lot outside the building. It will be a skating rink tonight when the water freezes.

So what should they do? As Ken Livingstone (former Mayor of London) said, the buses continued to run even during the Blitz in the Second World War. Why should a little snowfall stop them? Boris Johnson, the current Mayor of London, recommended that everyone walk or bike to work (apparently Boris, a famous biker, did just that). Have a bit of fun. To be fair, he did suspend the congestion charge yesterday, for those hardy few who made it in. The fact of the matter is that as this happens only once every 15 to 20 years, there is no mileage in having crews ready around the clock all winter every winter, just in case it happens again. So the Mayor is blaming the boroughs, the boroughs are blaming the Mayor and Westminster, the Brown administration is in hiding, and estimates are that

My tweets

Monday, February 2nd, 2009
  • 09:38 @MrPandaBehr : no, it’s a Windoze desktop client: not particularly good either–often dies. #
  • 09:38 @MrPandaBehr : i’ve never heard of an urban fox attack. they scavenge out of trashcans and generally stay out of people’s way. #
  • 09:43 @stephenfry : clubfry invitation would be better if the blue background didn’t obscure the word “Location” in the sign-up box on Firefox. #
  • 10:51 holy jumped-up Jebus…it’s snowing in the Elephant and Castle AGAIN!! Not as hard as last night, as the actress said to the bishop. #
  • 17:59 @alexgeana : i thot the “Alfalfa Dinner” honoured the black member of the Little Rascals… #

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My tweets

Sunday, February 1st, 2009
  • 08:04 @MrPandaBehr : just putting the CDs into iTunes. Ripping to MP3. not being an audiophile, i don’t know any better 🙁 #
  • 08:06 morning tweeters all. cold seems to be a bit better, but i wouldn’t bet the store on it… 🙁 #
  • 19:08 @jonk : yes, but Savethewords web designer seems to be a bit, um, well, FAIL?? (wasn’t you, I hope!) #
  • 19:14 @besskeloid : sounds good. can you send him down here to make us each one?? #
  • 19:16 @jonk : Whew! I was worried there. Load time was long enough to try the patience of a saint. Most people would close the tab before it loads #
  • 19:48 snowing pretty hard here in London…perhaps that blizzard they’re predicting will actually happen. #
  • 00:04 @MrPandaBehr : when my blackberry went titsup a while back, the new one didn’t have twitterberry, and i haven’t reinstalled it yet, sorry. #
  • 00:04 @MrPandaBehr : what i see on teletwitter are squares. #
  • 00:06 @besskeloid : i used to have a cloak like that. it is disturbing, but can also be quite warm. #
  • 00:08 6 inches on the ground now, and while HWMBO was looking out back door we saw an urban fox under our bush; then it climbed over the back wall #
  • 00:08 nighty-night. #

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Today’s Shopping URL

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

I was looking around after seeing a reference to a product (a deodorant cream, if you must know) that I’d never heard of, and the top entry is a mail-order house that specialises in things you might not want to ask for over the counter.

Somehow I’d thought there was nothing left to be embarrassed about, but some of the products here showed me that I was wrong.

And, if you want to know how to keep all sorts of things private, this is the place.